
Showing posts from January, 2018

[BI MATRIX] i-STREAM official PR Video (ENG sub)

i-STREAM is an optimized analysis solution for a data scientist. It analyzes and predicts data through various AI algorithms  - big data analytics, data mining, Implementing machine learning &  deep learning, performing various forecasting REF)

BI MATRIX recevied minister's prize by Ministry of Science and ICT from the K-Global Data Global Awards

BI MATRIX recevied minister's prize by Ministry of Science and ICT from the K-Global Data Global Awards . K-Global Data Global is One part of  'K-Global Project' ,a business to help companies with superior data skills reach the world stage.  K-Global Data Awards  is supposed to be given to the best performing company among the companies for 2017 K-Global project. BI matrix is crowned with the highest recognition and award.

i-STREAM got Prime minister's prize in the product section of 'Korea S/W Awards'.

(right) BI MATRIX CEO Young Geun, Bae i-STREAM got Prime minister's prize in the product   section of  'KOREA S/W Awards'.   i-STREAM has promoted the expansion of its analytics by providing various functions to analyze AI algorithms in businesses and organizations.     It has also increased the number of users by providing easy usability. It is the main background why i-STREM got the Prime Minister's prize.   i-STREAM let us use artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms such as deep area networks (DNN) and synthetic product neural networks (CNN) for AI learning by 'drag and drop'   instead of creating scripts.   i-STREAM Helps data scientists, corporate field managers and executives analyze big data, mine statistics and data, and forecast  

i-STREAM got Minister's prize by Ministry of Science and ICT in New SW product Awards.

i-STREAM got Minister's prize by   Ministry of Science and ICT in 'New SW product Awards'.    BI MATRIX (CEO Bae Young-keun) ' i-STREAM 2.0 ' was selected as the winner in the SW field of the new SW prize in September and October.     The New SW prizes is hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology and is co-sponsored by e-newspapers, the Federation of Korean Information Industry and Technology Association. The award has been awarded for 23 years since 1994.The awards ceremony selects the best SW products developed in the nation and awards prizes are held every other month and every year.   BI MATRIX  got  'Minister's prize by Ministry of Knowledge Economy' and 'Presidential Prize for the software of the year 2012' (i-MATRIX) in 2012. this yeay, BI MATRIX got 'Minister prize' again through i-STREAM which is the other solution of BI MATRIX.     The win...