What is cube?

The cube is in the center of multidimensional Analysis.
It can be database or multidimensional database. The cube is consisted of levels, measures, dimensions and hierarchies. It is a method to store data as multidimensional type. The measures are categorized by dimensions. The cube is designed by business logics because it used in OLAP is usually used to analyze the high-level analysis by business users.


   On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is actually about business, it just sounds like a science project. - Hugh McLeod     

*Short explatation for OLAP

OLAP(Online Analytical Processing) is a strategic method to analyze big data by multidimensional analysis. There are two types pf OLAP as below.

MOLAP(multidimensional online analytical processing) indexes directly into a multidimensional database. It processes data that is already stored in a multidimensional array in which all possible combinations of data are reflected, each in a cell that can be accessed directly.

ROLAP(Relational online analytical processing) performs dynamic multidimensional analysis of data stored in a relational database rather than in a multidimensional database (which is usually considered the OLAP standard). It accesses data which is the one most commonly used in other OLAPs. It can also generate SQL queries to perform calculations when an end-user wishes to do so.


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